Home School Agreement

Learning today: Leading tomorrow

Home School Agreement

Bentley Wood High School is a 11-18 multi-cultural girls’ comprehensive school which receives students from a wide range of primary schools. The majority of our students transfer from Harrow primary schools, although we also admit students from out of borough.

‘Learning today: Leading tomorrow & CARE – Communication, Achievement, Respect, Empathy’ underpins our vision for all members of our diverse, vibrant community.

To realise our vision we are determined to be;

  • an inspirational, with the highest expectations, where each person is enabled to achieve their personal best
  • a community and family centred school where we work in partnership to empower, support and prepare young women with the resilience to meet local, national and global challenges
  • a safe happy school, appreciative of our natural environment that recognises and aims to meet the diverse educational, social, physical and emotional needs of every individual
  • a reflective and responsive school where strong and inspiring leadership is promoted with students and staff at every opportunity

We believe that these aims can be best achieved through our strong partnership between school and families and our communities beyond school. By working together and setting the highest expectations, we can enable our students to gain their personal best in every area of the curriculum.

Therefore, the school undertakes to:

  • provide a safe and purposeful educational environment;
  • provide a broad and balanced curriculum which will enable students to achieve their best, develop their confidence and encourage them to contribute to all areas of school life;
  • contact parents promptly about concerns that might affect their daughter’s work or behaviour;
  • send home regular assessments of their daughter’s progress;
  • set, mark and monitor homework;
  • arrange parents’ evenings to enable staff and parents to discuss their daughter’s progress;
  • set up Parent Ambassador workshops and drop ins to further support

The Parent/s undertakes to:

  • ensure that their daughter attends school each day, is punctual and properly equipped
    and in the correct school uniform;
  • support their daughter in all areas of the curriculum to help her achieve
    the best she is capable of;
  • cover any absence with a telephone call on the day of absence or a letter on their daughter’s first day back at school;
  • ensure their daughter attends school every day and not take any holidays during term time;
  • check that their daughter completes her homework and sign her Link Book every week;
  • attend all parents’ evenings and/or meetings about their daughter’s progress;
  • give full support to the school’s policies and guidelines for behaviour;
  • notify the school about concerns that might affect their daughter’s work or behaviour;
  • be fully aware of the potential issues related to the use of the internet, and to familiarise themselves with the Bentley Wood top five tips for internet safety. (For further information on internet safety parents can contact our Parent Ambassadors for further information about the ‘Parenting in the digital age’ workshops).

The Student undertakes to:

  • attend every day, on time and in the correct school uniform;
  • to keep herself safe, which includes use of the internet by following guidelines
    set out in the ICT curriculum;
  • work hard in all areas of the curriculum to achieve the best she is capable of;
  • behave responsibly in school and on the journey to and from school at all times;
  • treat all members of the school as she would wish to be treated;
  • listen to others without interrupting and not to make remarks with
    the intent of hurting others;
  • follow all instructions given by adults in school;
  • complete and hand in all work on the date it is due;
  • bring the correct books and equipment to lessons;
  • treat school property, including school technology, with care and respect;
  • treat her own property responsibly and respect other people’s