Newsletter December 2022

December 2022


Dear Bentley Wood Community,

We are so happy to send you another jam-packed newsletter. As you can see the students and staff have been very busy engaging with and celebrating some wonderful experiences and achievements this half-term.

The variety of activities our students have taken part in has been extensive. In this newsletter we have given you a flavour of how we encourage our students to engage in enrichment activities and clubs. This is an opportunity to learn something new, to entertain others or even just for their own wellbeing or pleasure.

Heads of Year and Heads of Department have celebrated the success of individuals. Every student mentioned in this newsletter or in assemblies has been very worthy of praise.

Our Year 13 and 11 students have completed their mock exams and Year 12 will start theirs after the holidays. Well done everyone for all your hard work, showing resilience and determination under pressure. I am so proud of the commitment and dedication you show and for the support your teachers, friends and family give you.

We would like to wish you and your families a very restful and enjoyable Christmas break and all the best for the New Year.

Kind regards,

Naseema Akbar